Monday, April 12, 2021

Sisson AP Practice

The question that guided my sustained investigation is how I can portray time and the stress and boredom of day to day life. I had previously been interested in the idea but wanted to explore it more and in a different way in my investigation. Instead of generalizing the idea, I focused on a specific time and the events that occurred and showed the business of life. I wanted to show the monotony and repetition that occurred in the events and also show what smaller events occur in between the bigger events. These smaller events are meant to show the smaller activities that sneak their way into a busy schedule in order to keep someone running and able to be continuously busy. I also wanted to show a day off to demonstrate a sense of relief from the business of the week.
Each of my sustained investigation pieces leads back to a date or time on my initial calendar piece or a nondescript event that happens in between. In my pieces I utilize repetition to show monotony and time passing and use color to portray emotions and feeling to demonstrate how the business of a single week can affect the person in the situation. Towards the beginning of my investigation I focused on the big events on the calendar and towards the end I focused on the little events such as getting coffee and doing homework in order to fill out the week and make it feel more chaotic.

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