Monday, April 12, 2021

Hartman AP Exam practice

The inquiry that lead my sustained investigation was "My future art pieces will be out of my comfort zone, containing a detailed background, simple portrait, and a message throughout the image." The most consistent element to my original idea of my sustained investigation was maintaining a detailed background. Although each of my sustained investigation pieces are all different, they are able to relate through that aspect. Over the course of this learning experience, I was able to develope a style of painting that I was most comfortable with. Because I am such a detail oriented person when it comes to certain styles of art, I chose not to stick with the protraits, knowing it would be too time consuming. I was able to get out of my comfort zone because I worked with mediums that I was not too familiar with. Other than the pieces themselves, the practice and progress is also shown through my sketchbook. I encoorporated some of my progress pictures into my sustained investigation pictures beause they have a big part in the decision making.

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