Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Ferreira - Choice Boards 3 and 4


The artist I chose for my 3rd choice board was Laurent Lemoigne, a french designer and digital artist. He creates these crazy, trippy, surreal portraits of people and animals fused with technology. You have to see it to understand, here's some examples.

I was originally going to go for "striped" for CB4 but I found myself leaning more towards definition. Having stark, contrasting lines sort of brings emphasis to the crudeness and nature of the content. Again, a little dark but I like it. This one actually took me the longest because I could not figure out how to draw the hand. 

Ferreira - Digital Hybrid project


white pencil on black paper, digital image.
its a little edgy but i like it

Jill Bale - Hybrid Project


I took both a thumbnail sketch and a print I made in my printmaking class. I really like how the white of the face stands out with the neon background. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Meghan Dellose Hybrid Project


Ferreira - Completed AP Alphabet!

I'm really proud of how this turned out! I know I expected to do a hybrid digital-physical piece but doing it all digitally showed me my strength is definitely in 2d digital design as opposed to physical mediums. Of course I still like to do physical art but I wouldn't have been as proud as I am of this if I had done it because I find I have more freedom to tweak and change things to my exact liking than if I was doing, say, watercolor or pastel for my letters. This project also showed me my favorite kinds of style to produce. I liked the challenge of the fine detail and texture (I-T), but I feel I had more fun in the more trippy and dark alley (V-?), which I hope to pursue further in my central focus projects this year.

Ferreira - AP Alphabet U-? (28/28)


Sisson Hybrid Project


Choice Board- Lee


Savannah Lee- Hybrid Project


janaes alphabet- QRST

acrylic, Q is seen in the sun

acrylic, the pedal and stem make up the letter R

watercolor, the S is seen in the river



janae's digital hybrid-final project


I wasn't sure which one I preferred, so here are the two I am deciding on. I would appreciate if you could comment which one is your favorite. 

Bale - choice board 4 - design principle:line

I was looking at Sol LeWitt's work and saw his black and white usage of lines and I thought it looked really cool. I also decided to add in the 3 purple lined to make something stick out!