Monday, April 12, 2021

AP Practice Exam Draft- Savannah Lee

 Identify the inquiry or questions that guided your sustained investigation (20 points)

- When coming up with ideas for my new sustained investigation, I wanted to show the signs of child mistreatment or abuse and raise awareness to children who have suffered. Although wanting to show these heartbreaking representations, I wanted to leave each piece for the viewer to figure out what is happening themselves and to question if there is a darker element to each of my pieces, which there is. The question that I had to remind myself when coming up with ideas was is this piece too graphic to depict? Would this piece be triggering to any viewers? Is it okay to tell someone else a story? I tried to answer these questions and avoid any distress from people viewing my sustained investigation pieces. 

Describe how your sustained investigation shows evidence of practice, experimentation, and revision guided by your inquiry or questions (20 points)

- As my pieces progressed throughout the year, you can see that I get more comfortable with my sustained investigation and more "obvious" with what I wanted to represent. Because it's a darker theme, I wanted to be able to show the horrific details of child mistreatment, but I didn't want to be too graphic with what I was presenting. There have been pieces that I have made this year that I wasn't happy with, which has led me to redo and make changes to them, but the experimentation with different ideas has helped me learn more about my own style as an artist and how I want my pieces to turn out. 

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