Thursday, April 29, 2021

Sisson SI #6

I'm probably going to add some plants to make it more colorful later.


Ferreira - SI6


Gildea Sustained Investigation #6


Bale Sustained Investigation 6


SI 6 

for this I used plexiglass to make the back round in acrylic and then went back in with gouache and did drips to make the trees. The feeling of evenness and order. Nothing is amazing but nothing is wrong. Just calm. I tried to portray this by using a bright background and dull foreground. 

Atkins Sustained Investigation 6


Height: 25 inches

Width: 45 inches

Material(s): Chalk pastel, black paper, digital photography for composition

Process(es): Photo several angles, white chalk subject outline on black paper, finished work with colored chalk

This piece set out to investigate the isolation we have all faced due to the pandemic. It has felt like we have all been in our own little bubbles, and so I photoshopped people into bubbles that are actually a part of a larger coronavirus cell.

hartman choice board 16

hartman final sus

Sustained Investigation 4 revisions- Bella Dayrit

 I edited my piece vulnerability by coloring in the jesus because I didn’t feel satisfied at all with the past version and am very content. The two different colors of the eyes represent the kind of transition that you go through when you’re transitioning from survival mode to a more stable, more at peace state of mind. 

Sustained Investigation 6- Bella Dayrit

 I title this piece Essence of Self. I had a lot of fun making this. It’s a combination of watercolor, hou he, watercolor pencil, and some salt. I meant to evoke transparency and layers by making the girl’s figure transparent. She’s in a state of vulnerability and I decided to use primary colors to experiment with again warm and cool mark making. I purposefully left a lot of white space to make it as though it’s just purely the girl’s essence of who she is as a person. 

Quercetti: SI 6


Trusello SI 6

 She is the Empress! :D

The Empress captures people's attention without trying and symbolizes a confident woman. 

I wanted to make her stand out by experimenting with line width and keeping the other hands and objects flatter and more simple. I like the pink color scheme too. 

I think the proportions might be a little wonky but I tried my best to fix it. 

SI 6 meghan dellose

I used a sharpie, book pages, acrylic black paint, and pastel chalk


Jocelyn Zavala-Garcia SI 1 Revisions


I decided to add on to my first sustained investigation since my idea and final SI statement has changed since I created this piece, which was just the portrait of my great-grandma. I wanted to develop a deeper meaning, so I added fading images of her throughout the piece. 

I wanted to show how when people immigrate they are not always able to go back and visit their loved ones for years. I have spoken to people who have said that they have not seen their family in Mexico for over 20 years. As well as people who were not able to go see their loved ones after they had passed away. 

As time goes on, memories start to fade and the image of them does as well. 

Ava Passehl SI#6 Eddie


This is my final sustained investigation about my friend Eddie. It is 20 by 16 inches and is made of the Photoshopped sweatshirt, a line art style portrait, and a collage of magazine clippings and clip art. Eddie tends to be very vibrant, upbeat, and even a little bit all over the place, which is why I centered the collage around him to look as if the collage was emerging from him. Eddie's favorite colors are blue and pink, as seen in his portrait, but I tend to think of him as a colorful person; therefore, I attempted to include as many colors as possible. He also loves the beach, anime, math, Pokemon Go, and desires to be a doctor someday, so I included images to represent all of these. Finally, I made sure that the piece as somewhat symmetrical in the shape and colors of image on either side as Eddie tends to be organized and disciplined to work for his goals. 

Jocelyn Zavala-Garcia SI #7


For this sustained investigation I chose to focus on the journey through the desert for immigrants, as well as the labor conditions once immigrated, especially those for children.

Many immigrants, both adults and kids are put to work in dangerous conditions for long periods of time. I chose to focus on kids for this piece and how they have to balance school with work. I included some quotes I found from articles on Immigrant Child Labor to explain the reasons for children working and the conditions they have to work in. I chose to focus on brush strokes for this piece, and conveying the type of environment they are exposed to such as the grueling sun working out in the farm for hours. 

Another interpretation for the piece could be the experience of families who immigrate to the United States though the desert. It is extremely hot and very few water sources. I used a lot of yellow at the top to represent the sun and a little but of water in the background to represent the lack of water they have. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

addition to my work addiction piece. Meghan Dellose

 I tore out pages of a book and wrote on them, used chalk to make the background look like fire.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Ferreira CB16

 A sketch I remastered of me and my prom date :)

Iykyk no one tell her its a surprise

Update: She liked it

Choice Board 16


Sisson Choice Board 16

 This is a continuation of the project I'm working on now. I think I might use it in that project or rearrange it to be a background.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Ava Passehl Choice Board 16


I wanted to some more experimentation with transformations and object selection in photoshop. I decided to use the background I created using a paint scraper and invert the colors. I then used this picture of my friends and I that I love. Finally, I cut out different styles of letters from images and added them to the piece! It's simple and cute and I had a good time making it! 

Jocelyn Zavala-Garcia's Choice Board 16


For this choice board I chose to experiment with photography again. I took some pictures of flowers and bark from my grandma's garden using my I Phone, and edited them on Photoshop. I edited two photos of different flowers together to be in the same photo. 

The following photos are of a closeup of the bark on the tree near my grandma's house

This is a photo of a random piece of cloth on a branch while I was walking around my grandma's house. I asked my grandma and she does not even know even know why it was on the branch. But I thought it looked interesting and odd to be in a garden, so I took a photo. 

The background is one I edited using a particle board I found in the art room. I just wanted to experiment with different brush strokes and spacing for this. 

These are the original photos of the flowers and bark that I used to create the photos above. 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Quercetti: AP Exam Practice

 -For my sustained investigation I asked myself, what is living with mental illness really like? I wanted each piece to depict life on a daily basis while suffering a mental illness. There are so many stigmas around different disorders and I wanted each piece to reflect the individual not their disease. As someone who suffers from mental illness herself, it is so important to me to help those without it understand how those who suffer daily lives can be affected. 

-I wanted all of the pieces in my sustained investigation to show repetition however, I also wanted each piece to show my growth as an artist. Throughout each piece I use the same general techniques but, with each piece show improvement with that skill. Although I am using the same techniques in each piece, I also wanted each piece to have an element of experimentation whether it be in the background or the main focal point. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Fine Art Festival 2021 Set Up


The 2021 Fine Art Festival is coming together! Looking forward to showcasing all of your creative accomplishments next week. Remember to bring in any Gold/Silver work that you want included in the show. I have Scholastic Key tags for everyone.