Thursday, April 29, 2021

Gildea Sustained Investigation #6



  1. Gabby, I loveeee this!!! The collage and little pieces of newspaper in the background are so eye-catching and this color scheme is beautiful!!!

  2. This is so good! I like how you made a scene out of a collage but also used a lot of detailing in the foreground. Siena likes the buildings in the back and says that is really cool :)

  3. I love the bright colors and the way you used strips of paper to etch out the lights and windows of the buildings.

  4. Gabby I love your use of newspaper in the piece and how you used the colors from the non newspaper buildings in the newspaper. Also you did a great job of incorporating perspective and depth in the piece. My overall favorite part has to be the sky though. Great last piece!


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