Thursday, March 25, 2021

Quercetti: Choice Board #15

 For my next piece I am going to focus on anxiety. The color for anxiety awareness is teal so, I started experimenting with acrylics and gouache to make a couple teal colors to use in my next piece. 


  1. My personal favorite is the emerald green + turquoise blue + primary blue; I think the mixture of those hues captures both green and blue completely. Do you plan to incorporate the teal ribbon in the piece, or will teal be a background color or the color of your subject, lungs?

  2. Marissa, great decision to add notes and details for yourself so that you can remix the colors for your next piece. Did you notate which paints you used for which sample? Gouache and acrylic will behave very differently (though you can combine them....). I am looking forward to seeing how you visually translate the concept of "anxiety" visually for SI 6!


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