Savannah, Please add some written content to this choice board post and share more about your ideas, process for this project. The written narrative is valuable, it provides insight and an opportunity for us all to learn from each other's experimentations and project outcomes. If you choose to add this piece to your AP portfolio, having the written commentary in the blog post makes it easy to address your materials, ideas and processes in the text field for the portfolio since you have them all ready and written.
Savannah, Please add some written content to this choice board post and share more about your ideas, process for this project. The written narrative is valuable, it provides insight and an opportunity for us all to learn from each other's experimentations and project outcomes. If you choose to add this piece to your AP portfolio, having the written commentary in the blog post makes it easy to address your materials, ideas and processes in the text field for the portfolio since you have them all ready and written.