Monday, April 12, 2021

Zavala-Garcia AP Exam Practice

  • The questions that guided my sustained investigation were how I could incorporate three dimensional features meaningfully to the piece to convey an educational message, while not taking away from those that are two dimensional. Also, how I could include words and a story line into the piece through intentional placement to make it easier to interpret and educate. I wanted to create artwork that clearly expressed what I wanted, but left room for interpretation depending on people's perspective, where the audience could learn more about immigration the more they analyzed the piece. It also brings light to the idea that there are many things regarding immigration that we are not educated on. When looking at the aluminum foil border, people could simply think it was a material to add texture. However, others could immediately or gradually understand that it was meant to represent the blankets given to immigrants at the border in the detention centers. My sustained investigation started out with me focusing on both the challenges and joys of immigration but I revised it to only be the challenges because after research and interviews with my family I noticed that there were many more challenges than I thought and that I needed educate others to create change. I also experimented with adding digital elements to the piece such as shading and words, and experimented with brush strokes to add emotion and expression. 

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