Monday, April 12, 2021

Bale AP Exam Practice

- Identify the inquiry or question that guided your sustained investigation (20 points) 

Throughout my investigation my main goal has been to express my own emotions, feelings, thoughts through my art. I began art as a freshman in high school and always took a more realistic approach with my artwork, however I never believed that ever represented who I am. I began experiment with more abstract art and felt my emotions finally pouring through the work. From here I worked through how I could turn this into a sustained investigation. What focus truly represents myself? What do I see in my work. Looking through my work I pieced together that the connection between all of them was how I perceived myself or rather how I felt other people perceived myself. Metaperception became the focus of all my pieces. I have found it so interesting through this to learn how psychologically we are prone to bend reality to our own beliefs whether they exist or not. 

- Describe how your sustained investigation shows evidence of practice, experimentation, and revision guided by your inquiry or questions (20 points) 

To hit the abstract component that I felt needed to be in each piece to represent myself I kept aspects of every painting loose. I could clearly see progress through each piece as I explored my own metaperception. I experimented with large and small strokes, random paint splatter, paint pours. From what came from my initial experimentation I improvised. How can I connect myself into this piece. How would other's place me in the image. In one piece I picked a random passerby - theme bubbly. Another my family - disconnected, all over the place. Another from my teacher's perspective - overwhelmed. Another piece ,friends - emotional. None of these may be there real opinions, but I portrayed it0In initial pieces i used close up portrait of a females face. In later pieces I began to loosen up and place the figure in the shadow. I put my pieces to the test and asked whether this portrayed who I am. Some said yes, others said no. 

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