Thursday, March 25, 2021

Jocelyn Zavala-Garcia -- Peer Critique of Joe

Part 1: Joe described his materials to be transfer paper, pistol board, charcoal, and paper cut out from magazines. The processes he used to create this piece included creating the colored orange background first, and then creating his aunt with a bold white outline. He created the outlying black and white background after realizing that he was not finished. Also, he used matte medium to transfer the photos and put them on the board, and using hot glue to glue everything down. The ideas that he had when creating this artwork was to portray who his aunt was and who she will be. He wanted to get the message of how the decade defined her. He also made sure to include a a bold white outline around his aunt because he wanted to make it look like it was still a picture that was being cut out from a yearbook. Finally, the synthesis included his use of black and white in the background in a more muted manner, with a pop of color in the background directly behind her. Doing this made it look as there were many layers, and as if the drawing of his aunt was 3D and popping out. 

Part 2: Joe used mark making when drawing his aunt, by adding lines in the dark hair as highlights that creates movement. There is thicker and more consolidated mark making at the top of the hair and then more spread apart and thinner when it gets toward the bang area. He also used line by using straight lines to separate the two different shaded backgrounds. Also, different thicknesses of line were used both in the background and in the drawing of his aunt, such as thicker lines for the eyebrows and thinner for the necklaces. There was also surface created in the piece because since the pop of color with the orange is directly behind Joe's aunt and it is the only pop of color in the piece, our eyes are directly drawn to it and then drawn to the border leading to his aunt. The surface looks really smooth, and is impressive because matte medium transfer can make images look a little wrinkly. Space was also created when it made the artwork look like there are multiple sources of layers, even those that are not 3D. The space is filled with many pictures in every space, but there are some spaces left alone which adds to the interest of the piece. Light and shade were used in the drawing of his aunt, especially above her drawing and around her face, which makes it look realistic. Finally, Joe had great composition, thinking about where he would want to place certain magazine cut outs, and which cut outs to place upside down or diagonally. 


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