"protect our children": I drew a teenage girl on her phone... I put newspaper in the back to represent how everything is digital now and how this screen addiction is only going to get worse. The newspaper was the normal form of getting information for a long time.
"overwhelmed": This piece is an example of a woman working too hard. I made the woman a dark figure to represent how dull she is when she is addicted to doing work. I made the background childish and bright to represent the world around her.
"Broken to pieces": This is a broken man who has been pieced back together. He is addicted to the feeling of being love, that's why he is staring at the heart even though he is already heartbroken.
"Bigger than me": this is a piece of a woman who knows she needs help. Her obstacles are the bottles and she needs to find her way to the helpline. The bottles are as big as her because she feels it is the most important thing in her life.
My theme is exploring addictions through art. I am not making this a somber subject, but showing the light at the end of the tunnel. Color is very prevalent in my works because it shows that there is a way out. In my "broken to pieces" work, I really liked how I was able to use fragments to show how people recover from this type of issue.
AP GOALS: This is Mr. Newitt's artwork. He inspires me with his art because he does not really have a style, but he does whatever he wants. I like how free he is and how every painting expresses how he is feeling. The elements and principles of art and design really show in this picture. One thing I want to accomplish this year in art is learning how to not freak out if I mess up. This is a HUGE problem for me. I also want to improve my drawing skills.
I really love all of your projects, Meghan! They are all so different but tie together so well! My favorite is the screen addiction. Awesome work!