Thursday, March 11, 2021

Ferreira Choice Board - Computer texture experiment

For this CB I wanted to experiment with creating realistic texture and appearance using Photoshop. My next SI plans to have textural elements and I wanted to experiment with how to create them.



  1. I am so impressed with the quality of texture on the tan part of the monitor. How did you create such a life-like photo? Was it hand drawn or was it a reference picture that you added to?

    1. Thank you! Sometimes if i'm looking to create dirty-ish texture i'll look up "stucco texture" and paste that in,. Then I color it by adding a colored layer over it and doing some adjustments with screening method and opacity.

  2. This is so cool and different- how did you create this? Was it in photoshop? Will you be using this in your sustained investigation?

    1. I did make this in photoshop! I was planning to use it as practice to create texture in digital pieces... so not technically but I would have uploaded something similar. I changed it out last minute because I had college circumstances to deal with and submmitted something else.


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