Thursday, March 11, 2021

Dayrit Reflection

 My central theme of my investigation has changed a bit since my first statement:

"Expressing the melding, fracturing, and intense emotions that come with delving into the layers of self through color, line and form"

1. Melding of the Past and the Present
In this piece, it's all about the layers of identity/self. I purposefully made 3 faces to showcase 3 different layers and versions of self. The red and blue faces are like past layers of self and the main face is like a combination of the two color schemes plus a new color, purple, to signify another new development adding to the layers of self. The main face is like a melding of the past but also of the present and it's also very abstract to signify the way layers of self are not concrete and changing. 

2. The Unseen
The plainer figure that's mostly white is to represent the outer self that is visible to the eye but the colors behind her, are supposed to be “below the surface” and express the raw identity and self. I used really thick acrylic paint and bright colors to express the “rawness” and intensity. The colors the girl is outline in are also the colors used in the background which was purposeful in showing up the surface that she shows is just like the tip of the iceberg and under that surface, there is so much more. 
3. Fractured Tumult 
In this specific piece, I wanted to express conflict of identity. In this piece there are two faces, and the main orange one and the one that seems to me fragmenting away in white. I wanted to really express the internal conflict of identity in this piece through showing a girl who is already so emotionally volatile who is putting forth such a strong bold image but is actually falling apart as shown in the second face behind her
My (old) AP Goals:

1. This year I would like to win as many Gold Keys as I can and create the best artwork that I can as I was disappointed last year with my result for the one-piece I entered. 

2. I want to explore and experiment more with more figurative styles that give off emotion like as seen in this artwork of my inspired artist. I feel like I tend to stay true to detail more and the more realistic route and I would like to exit out of my comfort zone trying new things. I want to become more bold and confident in my use of color and be able to depict deeper emotions on paper/canvas. 

I'm glad I was able to at least win 1 Gold key and a couple silvers. I'm very determined to put out even better work next year. I think I've really developed a style that's more expressive and true to me and how I feel. I feel really proud of the progress I've made with experimentation and feel like I've grown so much as an artist this year especially in my photoshop skills, acrylic painting, and watercolor painting. I definitely exited my comfort zone a lot this year but I think it's helped me find myself and find my own art style that I gravitate to especially in my third sustained investigation. I'm glad I've stayed away mostly from realism however I do miss it, but I think my new approach to it will be one much more stylistic and true to me. I want to continue experimenting with bold color and continue to grow my confidence in my art skills.

1 comment:

  1. I am in awe with all of these. You can see a distinct style and theme through all of the especially the second two. Direction through the strokes clearly play a role into this and I really love it


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