SI #1
Cell phone addiction: I drew a teenage girl on her phone... I put newspaper in the back to represent how everything is digital now and how this screen addiction is only going to get worse. The newspaper was the normal form of getting information for a long time.
SI #2Work addiction: This piece is an example of a woman working too hard. I made the woman a dark figure to represent how dull she is when she is addicted to doing work. I made the background childish and bright to represent the world around her.
Love addiction: This is a broken man who has been pieced back together. He is addicted to the feeling of being love, that's why he is staring at the heart even though he is already heartbroken.
In December, my idea was to explore addictions through art. I've dug a little deeper and realized I wanted to use bright colors in my artworks because it represents the light at the end of the tunnel. I have not changed my focus much, but just my style of work. I love using mixed media and I have seen myself shift towards using it in my Sustained Investigation. Addiction is something that can be cured over time and I wanted to represent the fact that people can get better rather than the suffering they go through while battling this disease. My favorite piece that I've done would have to be my 3rd investigation because I think it has the most meaning. The broken man pieced back together looking at a heart really tells a story of love addiction.
AP GOALS:This is Mr. Newitt's artwork. He inspires me with his art because he does not really have a style, but he does whatever he wants. I like how free he is and how every painting expresses how he is feeling. The elements and principles of art and design really show in this picture. One thing I want to accomplish this year in art is learning how to not freak out if I mess up. This is a HUGE problem for me. I also want to improve my drawing skills.
I would still like to focus on not freaking out and getting discouraged when I mess up.
Meghan, I am intrigued by your idea of showing a positive outcome or recovery of the addictions you are presenting, especially using color as a vehicle for accomplishing your intention. I would like to learn more about how these ideas are synthesized through material choices, revision and experimentation. Your connection to the process of creating something whole out of fragments in the last project are starting to move us closer to a connection between concept/intention and representational approach and synthesis through materials. I encourage you to continue to investigate the idea of fragmentation/whole through mixed media as a possibility for further development.