Saturday, February 27, 2021

Atkins Reflection Post


1. "Breaking the Surface"
Drawn with chalk pastel, shows the depression and feeling of drowning that we feel as we separate ourselves. 

2. "Virtual Learning?"
Drawn with chalk pastel, shows the monotony and unproductiveness of virtual learning through showing my brother almost falling asleep at the computer. 

(Art part of the project. Not final piece- still working on construction)
3. "The Final Countdown"
I still am trying to find materials to create the base, but the plan is to separate each piece of glass to make the figure look more realistic and draw tally marks across the entire front panel of glass to look like the figure is counting down the days of isolation. I was also going to add newspaper clippings to on each pannel to make it look like the news is swirling around the figure. 

4. "CELLphone"
Drawn with chalk pastel, displays how reliant our society is on our cellphones that they have captured us, especially as a result of the pandemic. 

5. "Dreaming in Isolation"
Painted with watercolor, supposed to represent what all of us were facing at the time as shut-ins, but at the same time it was hopeful and showed there was a chance to someday get past the short term challenges in our senior year at Archmere, and get out to the other side of the window, beyond graduation and on to a brighter future. My intentions as an artist are to visually represent a message, and the main message of the piece is to capture the feelings of the Covid-19 lockdown, but also to deliver a feeling of hope and encouragement.

(Just Digital Brainstorming for SI 4- NOT final piece)
6. Untitled (I haven't finished)
The plan of this piece is to show the effects of the isolation of the pandemic on the elderly, as they cannot see their grandchildren and family. 

7The goal was for the red design to symbolize almost a stress and cracking to symbolize the anxiety of isolation. This is the piece that I originally submitted for my SI 2, however, I do not think I will ending up submitting this because in hindsight I don't think it fits as well with my statement as my other pieces in terms of style and execution. But I will definitely try to work with more light projections in the future!

Sustained Investigation Statement: The selections focus on the motif of isolation, and will seek to produce bracing symbolic imagery of my experience of sudden isolation, tiresome monotony, followed by a gradual re-emergence back into contact with humankind. 

There has not been many changes from my original sustained investigation idea, although I do think that I have just focused on the isolation part of my SI and haven't shown other two parts I had added about the monotony of isolation and re-emergence back into a normal society. I may complete those pieces of the Sustained investigation towards the end of the year because that has not happened in real life yet. Additionally, the plan was originally to focus on the isolation of the pandemic, and in the future I may want to expand the theme of isolation to other experiences of life.

1. Usually, in my artwork, I worry about the little details and spend too much time planning my artwork instead of just going for it. Over the course of this year, I would like to worry less about the detail and having to practice my technique. I want to learn how to just jump right into a project because I believe the time I spend on each project would decrease significantly. 
2. I would like to improve my skills in mediums I am less familiar with, in particular, Acrylic Painting and Digital Art. 

I definitely do need to work on getting my projects started sooner--> that is a huge problem for me. More goals that I would like to add is including a larger variety of models in my artwork (besides just my brother) and maybe moving away from using the symbol of the stereotypical "mask" in my artwork. 

1 comment:

  1. Margaret, Excellent reflection, and analysis of your artwork's connection to your intended SI theme. I agree that the light projection piece is a bit of a wild card in your series, though not because it is any less technically or conceptually sophisticated-it is both, but the difference in style/aesthetic does make me also question if it should stay in the SI. It may be better suited for the Selected Works section. As as a separate work of art it is very strong, as well as an excellent example of experimentation and use of digital media to convey an intangible/invisible state of mind or concept.


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