Sunday, November 15, 2020

Choice Board #7 Transition to Sustained Investigation: Cindy Sherman Inspired

This piece pushed me outside my comfort zone, and I'm so happy I took that risk! For one, I am not used to being the subject of my own photographed piece; I usually edit my pictures where I am the subject using a 2D medium like paints. Secondly, this image was edited solely with Photoshop. I never thought I would complete a project using just Photoshop, but here we are! I chose to do this piece because I drew inspiration from Cindy Sherman and her many characters she portrays in her photos. I really like the change in appearance/character that drives her works. I am considering doing the same for my sustained investigation. I love the authentic emotion I feel, whether it be happy, confused, or even taken aback, when I look at her pieces. I tried to replicate at least some part of her great work here! 


  1. I really am enjoying the textures I am seeing, especially on the clothing. Now is this just done in photoshop or is this paint? However I want to know more about why you picked these colors what do they mean? How do they correlate to the pose?

    1. Hi Joe! This piece was just photoshopped, and I chose these colors because they are lively and bright as compared to my not-so-lively facial expression and pose

  2. I love this piece! The pink and orange go really well together, and I especially love it together with the pattern of the dress!

  3. I love your expression, and the background of the windy staircase- it's an awesome use of composition. The attention of the viewer is immediately drawn to the vanishing point of the stairs, which is your face. Great job!

  4. I love this! I am in awe with you background, how there is perspective and and how it gives it a sort of whimsical feel to the piece. I am so in love with your pose and outfit, everything just fits together so perfectly, the way you are staring into the camera and you holding the shoe. I would love to see more of these. Great job !

  5. Thank you all so much for the comments!! It means so much to me to hear this feedback after doing a piece so outside my artistic zone! Do you have any suggestions for titles? I'm struggling to come up with one. Thanks in advance :))

  6. I love this! The use perspective is great and I love the color scheme you went with :)


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