Sunday, November 15, 2020

Choice Board #7 - transition into sustained investigation (color schemes)

For my sustained investigation I am trying to paint/draw members of my family when they were younger, especially around the teenager years. This is my grandma went she was 18, this is her senior photo. I also want to incorporate wallpapers of the decades to give it that vibe, this is 1960s. I am trying to give a sense of family/decades in my work to show that everybody was a teenager once and once dealt with the same things even in different times. 



  1. I really love the background, it looks so fun behind the black and white!

  2. I love contrast between the bright and vivid colors of the background and the black and white of the portait! Did you paint the rainbows or did you photoshop them into the background?

  3. I really like the unique way that you shade using a blocky sort of style. I also love the background, it is a great contrast against the figure.


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