Monday, May 10, 2021

Rachel SI #7


This is an extra project I did to finish my sustained investigation. It it meant to show the stress of school and the focus on grades and assignments.


  1. Rachel, I love the emotion and your use of color! The notebook paper with assignments in the background really emphasizes the idea of stress.

  2. I love this I especially love the black and white with the bold colors infused. The bold warm/cool colors really stick out

  3. It is so clear what you are trying to portray in this work. I love how to intermixed both color and black and white. Creativity in this piece is just amazing. Never would have though to use the unit circle, but it fits so well!

  4. The writing on the side of the piece really makes it because you can feel the stress of the subject. I also love the red outline/ shadow behind the person- its such a nice touch!

  5. I love the red outline you used because it brings our attention directly to you and the unit circle in the back. I think keeping the contrast between the colors and b&w was a great choice, as well as adding text to the edges of the paper. The repetition of the ABCDF also goes with the repetition of the unit circle numbers. This is amazing!


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