Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Photoshop Demo-Extending Choice Board & Sketchbook Explorations Using Layers & Transformations

Hello All!

Consider the possibilities of extending your sketchbook and choice board projects into the digital sphere with some basic Photoshop tips and tricks. Janae experimented with this concept in her mirrored "doodle" piece, and Margaret also recently explored some of the ideas in her "isolation tessellation" a few weeks back.

Using Ava's recent choice board as an example, I created this short Photoshop video tutorial where I demonstrate how to expand the creative possibilities of your sketchbook and choice board work using layers, duplication of layers, transformation tools (flipping) and layer adjustments (hue/saturation & levels) to create "hybrid" digital/traditional pieces for your portfolio.

Here are some recent NYT illustrations featured in the video tutorial that successfully use repetition as a design principle that partly inspired this demo:

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