Saturday, April 17, 2021

Ava Passehl Choice Board 16


I wanted to some more experimentation with transformations and object selection in photoshop. I decided to use the background I created using a paint scraper and invert the colors. I then used this picture of my friends and I that I love. Finally, I cut out different styles of letters from images and added them to the piece! It's simple and cute and I had a good time making it! 


  1. Great hybrid project, Ava! You should print a copy for each friend as a special keepsake!

  2. I love the neon letters you used for the R and S! Did you take pictures of those yourself or did you create them on photoshop?

  3. I love this! The colors used in the background add such a vibrant touch to the piece and bring out a happy joyful feel to the piece, which is also shown with all the smiles in your faces. I also love how you included different fonts and styles for each letter, adding different textures and colors.

  4. Its funny when I first saw the thumbnail for this I thought it was a ransom note kinda style. I like how you've turned that immediate impression on its head. Good job on this! I might've changed the color of some of the figures to emphasize the patchy-ness you seem to be going for but its still cool

  5. Wow I love the combination of photos, 2D, and digital in this piece! You made each process come together to create this fun picture of you and your friends. Great job!

  6. I love the colors in this and especially love the early 2000's tumblr vibes this is giving me


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