Saturday, March 13, 2021

Jocelyn Zavala-Garcia's Choice Board #14


Before Images: 

For this choice board I chose to edit these two found boards from the art room on Photoshop. The first two edits are from the first before image, and the last edit is from the second before image. 


  1. I love these!!! The second one is my favorite, I love the warm color scheme and the white and black lines that you added!

  2. These are so so cool. I am with julianna! The second one is my favorite. There are so many layers that bring a lot of possibilities. I can't wait to see where you go with these.

  3. I love that you saw a creative opportunity in an everyday object and created art work from it. That is just a whole other level of creativity and is so inspiring. You should definitely include these maybe as a background in your sustained investigation piece!

  4. I love how you are transforming old pieces into new pieces of art! It is so creative and I really love how you did it digitally

  5. The layers look amazing! I love what you turned this piece into!


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