Thursday, March 25, 2021

Gabriella SI5


My process for this pice included tracing a reference image onto black paper with charcoal paper. Then I used chalk pastels to first draw the bottom part of the page and the figure. Then, I experimented with a shimmery interface paint and painted parts of the buildings in the background. I then used modge podge on top of the interface paint and sprinkled glitter chunks onto the modge podge to give the background a sense of reflective light on the buildings. Then, I pulled a picture of my project into photoshop, adjusted the saturation and colors, and used a blue light overlay onto the back sky using the "exclusion" effect and turning down the opacity.
The idea behind my whole sustained investigation is city portraits, so I think this piece fits well. I have also been trying to experiment with bright colors and combining multiple types of media, like I did with the pastels, paint, glitter, and the digital element.

1 comment:

  1. I love your combination of materials; it demonstrates exploration into new mediums! I love how the playful neon blues, purples, and pinks in the glitter juxtapose the dark black sky as if the city lights were glowing!


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