Monday, February 15, 2021

Bale SI 3 + progress photos


Final Piece 

progress photos - posting them all at once because I did this piece in one sitting 


  1. Wow! I absolutely love your brushwork and texture you have in the portrait of the girl and love how the colors in her are again repeated partially in the background. I think it has a good sense of unity throughout the piece.

  2. Jill- I really love your style of your artwork and how it is very interpretive and stylistic. I also like the background of the piece because it looks as though it is painted in the same style as the figure. so cool!

  3. Jill. This is absolutely amazing. I love the style part of this piece. It looks whispy and has a lot of meaning behind it. Good Job.

  4. I love this so much Jill!! The brushstrokes are so amazing and I love the composition. I also love how this piece still goes with your idea of abstract art but also incorporates a figure of a person!


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