Monday, January 18, 2021

Bale AP Scoring Activity


Part 1 - Sustained Investigation

overall score : 5 

Part 1 Inquiry -  3 
This artist's focus was how birds illustrate mankind relationship to freedom. I would give this portfolio a 3 because I do think he represented his focus in his work. The first photo illustrates an owl free in the world constraint free. This is something that also applies to the humans ability to choose their own path without manipulation and constraint from others. The second photo represent how in some parts of the world and in history people are chained up and fenced in - human trafficking, slavery, etc. When I saw the last image I immediately thought of North Korea where they have such limited access to the internet, to truths, and freedom of speech. 

Part 2 Practice, Experimentation, and Revision - 3
This student made sure to include images of the sketches, that were minimalistic but clearly guided him to his final piece. I enjoyed being able to see his thought process. Though they were not exactly the same the sketches showed his clear focus.

Part 3 Materials, Processes, and Ideas - 3
Different materials/processes: acrylic, gouache, photoshop, watercolor. The sketches clearly portrayed gis ideas and show a clear connection in his work. The materials he used though different all went together smoothly. 

Part 4 2D Design Skills - 3
This student portrayed advanced design skill in the way he easily jumped from different mediums while keeping them seamlessly related. Each work was able to portray a different image while still tackling his topic. The works just carry such unity and the written explanations show clear understanding.
The artist really portrays his design skills when in the 2nd work he combined 3 different mediums.

Part 2 - Selected Works

sample 2 

work 1 

work 2 

work 3

work 4 

work 5 

Overall Score : 5 

Rational: The artist combines both realism and surrealism to represent dreams, hopes, nature, intuition, vision, and souls - all connected focuses of hers. She shows advanced collage, drawing, and painting skills in each of her works. She also plays around with opacity in her work to express her work while showing her digital skills. Instead of the idea of dreams being bright and warm colors, she portrays a more realistic side using color, but not overusing them. In the first piece we see a mix of collage, distortion, opacity, sketching. The second piece uses the same techniques while making specific colors the focus of different areas. The third piece really ties in nature and the peacefulness of being in thought in nature by her repetition of the girl using different positions and expressions. She also brings in a pink that is a intense contracts to the green nature background. The fourth piece looks almost like a photo. She shows how dreams can be surreal but they can also be portrayed and a raw and realistic way. Lastly the fifth piece is much like the third. The differences is that we see more realistic color in the foreground of the pictures. With all these pieces she clearly shows her advance design skills.

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