Sunday, December 6, 2020

Gildea Choice Board

 I made this choice board thinking about my sustained investigation - I want to make a piece where the subject is monochromatic, but the background is not. Although I want to make the subject take up most of the picture so that the background is not very noticeable. The first image is my own edit of a photo of myself - the second photo I found on Pinterest which inspired me to want to make a monochromatic portrait. 


  1. I love the monochromatic focus for the subject. I think that would carry over well to 2D mediums. I also like the idea of a colorful, busy background versus a monochromatic subject. I think it creates lots of movement around the figure until the eyes finally land on the figure itself.

  2. This is so cool. I like the way you used color to emphasize the subject of the piece.

  3. I am in complete agreement with Rachel and Ava, Gabriella! So much meaning and content can be infused into a series exploring figure/ground relationships using color as a device for selective emphasis. Keep exploring this concept!


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