Saturday, November 7, 2020

Choice Board #6 Ava Passehl Drips

This was a precursor to the second attempt below. The top image I will most likely layer another image over top; however, I really like the bottom image as it is. Should I paint another subject over it? 



  1. Ava, It is so exciting to see the two surface explorations and compare/contrast the qualities of each. The surface quality of the bottom piece is very engaging with the warm/cool colors, multi-directional drips and a strong overall sense of compositional intentionality. I think to answer your question, this is a perfect opportunity to pull in a digital photo into Photoshop to "preview" what it might look like (and what may be gained or lost if you do overlay additional imagery onto the painting).

  2. I love both of these! The textures are really cool and I think that if you pulled the top photo into photoshop it would definitely look cool with another photo overplayed on top of it.

  3. These are so cool! I love how the colors mix together and create their own story.


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