Sunday, September 20, 2020

Julianna Trusello Art Alphabet (E-H)

E - Ancient Chinese Art
I used watercolor for the background and acrylic to create a simple painting of a tree silhouette inspired by Ma Yuan's "On a Mountain Path in Spring".
F- Ancient Japanese Art
I used multiple shades of blue acrylic to create the waves, then outlined the waves in black and added white details. The background is subtle light gray watercolor. If you look closely, the white part of the wave creates an F. 

G - African Art
As expected, I used lots of bright colors with acrylic to make them stand out. I tried to imitate an African painting style using colorful dots, some of which have other colors inside, to trace the letter G.
H - Islamic Art
For my letter H, I was inspired by a painting by Ishrat Ahmed titled "Islamic Art", which featured islamic calligraphy. I tried to replicate the bold gold lettering in the center of the piece, where Ahmed used Islamic text. The background includes varieties of blue, teal, and gold which appear very rough in texture. I used acrylic for this piece.


1 comment:

  1. Julianna, I appreciate all of the technical insight you shared (materials, media etc.) along with your art historical inspiration for each letter!


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