Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Fashion Design Choice Board Project Ava Passehl

"The COVID Capsule" 
Era 1: The Savior (toilet paper and paper towel dress)
Era 2: The Cloak (made of masks, neck gators, etc.)
Era 3: High Fashion (a giant mask tube top with matching mask-made skirt and face covering)
Era 4: Power Struggle (made of old blue and red, or Democratic and Republican campaign posters, old socks, jeans, loose, ratty tie)


Joe Marino Choice Board #1

                                                                Illustrate a song lyric 

                       Song is "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac and I wanted to show the madness by using                                  monochromatic red and just the eyes to express the lyrics of madness. The lines are to                                                                             express memories. 

Julianna Trusello Art Alphabet (I - L)

I - pastels 
J- pastels
K - pastels
L - colored pencils & pastels


Gabriella’s Final Pastel Portait


Ava Passehl Final Pastel Portrait


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Bella Dayrit Completed Version: Pastel on Black Paper


Bella Dayrit Alphabet Progress


Tiles #2- Savannah Lee


Progress Check: Pastel on Black Paper Ava Passehl


I'm very happy with how this is turning out. Before the end of next class, I aim to make the person on the right's eye more realistic and make the sky more dramatic by adding more vibrant colors and clouds. 

Ava Passehl Art Alphabet Progress

X- Op Art 


Y-Pop Art 

! - Choice Style 


Rachel Sisson Alphabet 12/28


Rachel Sisson Pastel Progress


Jocelyn Zavala-Garcia's Alphabet (12/28)





Marino Completed Pastel Drawing


Joe Alphabet (P,K,S,T) 12/28


Margaret Atkins Alphabet 12/28 tiles


X Op Art

E Ancient China- (I drew on top of a sheer fabric so the picture looks a little weird. Also, I was planning on printing out an E and having her hold it. I was planning on doing something similar to this in multiple tiles, but I want to print out the letters at the end so they are all in the same font).

H Islamic Art- I was waiting to have H in a similar font to the E in the middle of the circle, and glue it there at the end when I am finalizing my project

F Cubism

Margaret Atkins Choice Board

 For my choice board, I decided to sketch about the "Heavy Metal" theme, and I drew a mechanism I created in a mechanical engineering class I took over the summer. 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Gab's Pastel Progress




Edvard Munch, "The Scream" 1893

and, my overall Reaction to the amazing work of the 2020 AP Studio Art Classes posted to our blog so far!

AP Studio Students: Your effort, engagement, talent, tenacity, grit, and overall artistic verve are impressive and INSPIRING! I couldn't be more impressed by your stellar, college-level work. Keep up your effort! Mrs.S

Bella's Progress

 I am having difficulty trying to capture the true colors of this picture because of the hints of green reflecting on the skin but I think this is a solid start. 

Bella's Alphabet Project (4 Letters)


Sunday, September 20, 2020

janaes progress #1, alphabet


Ethan's Art History Alphabet (8/26)

 After some minor technical issues tonight, here are my E-H! (Designed digitally. None are templates for the tangible document - more for that to come.) These turned out okay but I want to do a lot more tangible ones for the next section because I think they create a better effect than just a flat image. The G for example might've been a good one because I could stamp out the triangles using ink or something to add texture that wouldn't've been there otherwise.

Gabriella's Art History Alphabet (8/24)